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Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

To obsess over: New sustainable skincare products with organic ingredients

May 15, 2020

To obsess over: New sustainable skincare products with organic ingredients

We all need to take good care of our skin. Finding products that complement our hair and skin without harming our environment doesn’t come easy. Women use several skincare products in a single day, many of them containing different harmful ingredients mostly in the form of chemicals. Research has shown that the skin absorbs the chemicals in products, some even claim up to 60% and the chemicals can come into direct contact with the bloodstream.

What we put on our skin should be as clean as what we eat, but most people are unaware of the situation.

Even when using small amounts of the product, many of the chemicals commonly found can have tremendous health and hormonal impact, and we are a long way from understanding the consequences.

As I became aware of the problems with skincare products I started to research. I finally found a lab that met my requirements and could help me bring you exceptional natural and organic skincare products. Products that complement your skin and create beautiful results without harming our environment or your health.

Ingredients you should never have in your skincare

There are many skincare products that contain ingredients that are considered harmful and here are few ingredients to keep away from.

Parabens are an inexpensive and common type of preservative used in many different skincare products to keep the product fresh. They also prevent the product from harboring harmful bacteria. Parabens are natural organic compounds, with concerns over its association with health issues. Skincare and cosmetic companies are facing high pressure from consumers and health practitioners who want them to reduce or remove parabens from their products.

Phthalates make cosmetics flexible and less prone to breaking. Also called a plasticizer, many skincare products and cosmetics contain phthalates to keep them soft and pliable. Phthalates may disrupt hormones, especially in men and children. It could also possibly cause adverse effects on the reproductive system. It has an association with many health issues, such as diabetes, ADHD, and even cancer.

Synthetic fragrances can cause several side effects among headaches, chest tightness and wheezing, and vomiting. Natural scents can be used to replace artificial fragrances as a healthier choice.

Gluten intolerance can also affect your skin. A blistering skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis is the skin manifestation of celiac disease. Our products are Gluten-free. Gluten-free skincare means skincare products that don't have any gluten, or gluten byproducts, in them. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and other grains, so gluten-free skincare cannot contain any of these.

Manufacturers often utilize alcohol as a solvent to mix different ingredients together. Not all alcohols are harmful to us.

How our premium, and safe science-based skincare product is the drive for your everyday sustainable pure and natural look!

We carefully select all ingredients, taking into consideration sustainable harvesting and fair trade practices. Organic ingredients are purchased whenever possible and are never tested on animals. We approach natural and organic skincare from a fact-based; not fear-based; perspective and we follow the science. Formulators do research; they study, they test, and they experiment before the final product is ready.

The ingredients are bought as close to the source as possible whenever possible, and from trusted, honest, and ethical vendors. High-impact ingredients are replaced with lower-impact ingredients. Every ingredient comes with a Certificate of Analysis and SDS (Safety Data Sheet), this way it’s possible to track where the vast majority of the ingredients come from, as well as how they are harvested and produced.

Some of our products contain a small amount of organic alcohol. Products with organic alcohol are free of harmful pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals.

Our products are free of paraben and phthalates. We use essential oils that are extracted from natural ingredients such as flowers and are a healthy choice as a fragrance.

Our products are vegan and cruelty free.

Products made from natural or organic ingredients, cruelty-free and vegan skincare products, tend to be gentler on the skin.

Those with sensitive, easily irritated or allergy-prone skin may find these products especially beneficial as they also tend to contain fewer ingredients that aggravate any skin conditions or cause reactions.

Sustainability in Action

Our products are manufactured in a facility located in Portland, Oregon, in the eco-friendly, Northwestern United States. The factory is a Leaping Bunny Certified facility and so all the products meet Leaping Bunny standards.

Leaping Bunny Certification is the gold standard for cruelty-free personal care products and is without a doubt, the most trusted and consistent cruelty-free certification available in the USA.

Even though animal testing is now banned almost everywhere for cosmetics and their ingredients, some ingredients used in cosmetics are also used in other types of products. Some ingredients that are used in products other than just cosmetics may still be tested or could still be tested for other purposes like environmental toxicity.

The entire roof of the 60,000 square foot manufacturing facility is covered with solar panels.  It has generated more than 458 MWh of energy and has offset the equivalent of 324 metric tons of carbon.

Our packaging labels are made from recycled paper that is biodegradable material made from 100% recycled waste paper and can be recycled. It is vegan, durable, tearproof and freezer safe. All printer inks are vegan and certified for compostability.

The packaging is made in PET plastic and is recyclable. There are few reasons why we choose plastic instead of glass. The main reason is because it provides a sound oil barrier between the plastic and the product inside. Glass is an upscale and commonly seen as an eco-friendly option, but can be expensive to ship and to handle in manufacturing. We however may switch to other alternative options in the future.


Choose organic for your skin

Skincare products are today a necessary part of our daily lives. But, nobody wants to splash their hard-earned cash on something they might regret buying.

So make sure to choose organic and natural alternatives which are available.

It’s time you treated yourself to a big beauty haul.

Go ahead and find Dimmblà’s skincare products on our website.



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