Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets


November 24, 2017


Becoming more sustainable can feel overwhelming and creating a sustainable lifestyle takes a lifelong commitment. But it all starts with each person becoming more self-sustainable in his or her daily activities. Maybe you will start by walking with a friend instead of driving to your destination. Here are some tips to a sustainable everyday life. 

Every choice we make has an impact on the planet – even though the impact can be hard to grasp. When you buy soda in an aluminum can you probably don't think about the steps required to manufacture, sell and dispose of the can. However, a single use aluminum can is one of the most energy intensive, CO2 producing, waste generating product on earth (The story of stuff by Annie Leonard).


Iceland is somewhat unique when it comes to energy. A very high share of Iceland’s energy comes from renewable sources, making Iceland one of the greenest countries in the world with regard to energy consumption.

Sadly the aluminum industry in Iceland consumes close to 75% of all the electricity produced there. Causing extensive environmental damage. This, together with Iceland’s large fleet of fishing vessels and high automobile ownership, are the most important reasons for why Iceland is the world’s largest energy user per capital.

Even though Iceland is praised for being one of the greenest countries in the world Icelanders are realizing they can do so much more towards more sustainable life.


Why are electronic braking so fast and why are they cheaper to replace than to repair? It would be a lot easier if all producers embraced sustainability. The fact is that there are many products in circulation that generate a lot of waste. Nevertheless you can make conscious choices and choose many ways to preserve the environment.
  1. Cut back on energy. You can make sure to cut back on the energy use in your own home with some simple steps. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Wait until the dishwasher is full before running a load. Resource-wasting can be reduced by conserving water and fuel. Shorten showers and minimize excessive water use.
  2. Make your own products. Grow your own food and compost your food waste and use it as fertilizer! Try your hand at making your own shampoo or soap. You’d be surprised how much money you can save.   
  3. Reduce and reuse. Reduce your consumption of unnecessary clothes or food and search for long lasting, high quality clothing. Reuse what you can and don’t be afraid to be creative. Recycle what you can. This simple effort minimizes waste products in landfills.

Make all of the above a routine in your everyday live and you are already adopting a green way of living.

Your life can make a big difference in this world. Whether your concerns are local or global, don’t be afraid to speak up for what you think is right.

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