Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets


November 24, 2017


Looking sharp at business meetings or conferences helps you grab attention and make a good first impression. When travelling for business it’s important to have the appropriate outfit. Luggage and carry-on space allotments are just getting smaller, so packing wisely and efficiently is an essential skill. Here are 4 tips on how to pack light and reduce stress for your next business trip.


Packing the wrong clothes could mean being uncomfortably hot or cold or even overdressed. You want to ensure that you bring enough clothes so that you'll have appropriate outfits for all the different events, meetings and activities you'll be attending. Plus you want everything to arrive with as few wrinkles as possible. A list of the things you need for your trip is essential. Don’t just shove every piece you own into a suitcase and hope you will be able to plan outfits once you reach your destination. You don’t want to waste your time worrying over what to wear, so it is worth planning ahead. Your choice in luggage should come down to practical considerations. It's better to choose a smaller suitcase that has wheels. You might need to walk quite a distance and it’s easier to wheel around quickly instead of having to carry your luggage all the way. 


Flights get delayed and meetings run late and coffee gets spilled. A week-long trip however doesn’t mean you need seven individual outfits made from entirely unique items. Instead, fill your suitcase with interchangeable items and mix and match to create different effects and new ensemble. Needless to say socks and underwear are an exception. The more similar the style and colors are of all the clothes the more likely everything will mix and match effortlessly. Choose fabrics that are wrinkle free, such as silk, and pack items you can layer and reuse. Place the outfit you want to bring on the bed and include any accessories you wear with it. If the outfit includes a jacket or layering piece, place that at the top. The bottoms can go just below the layering piece and the top can be set below the pants or skirt. The accessories can be placed beside one another. You should now have a line of clothing with the jacket or cardigan on the top and the accessories perpendicular. If your favorite outfit is a dress you can use it in place of a top and a bottom. Accessories such as scarves can be used in different ways to get a new look for each day. You can have it hanging in loose fold under the lapel of a blazer or gathered over the collar of a shirt. Accessories are like art – they immediately tell something about you. Try to make them as interesting as possible and choose a scarf that works with all of the outfit. Make sure you understand your ideal image and choose an outfit that says something about you to those around you. 


To save yourself the space your two piece skirt or pantsuit or a dress takes up you can wear them on the flight. That way you also ensure you look and feel good the moment you get off the plane. Choose comfortable shoes in case you’ll need to run for a connecting flight, besides you don’t want to kill your feets on high heels while traveling. Make sure you think about security considerations when you’re flying or traveling between countries. Make it a habit to travel light and take the smallest bag you can get away with. Once you travel often you will realize that you tend to always fill the bag you pick, so bigger is not better. One trip, one bag is a good rule at any scale.


The goal of packing a suitcase is simple: No wasted space. Empty space is room for your clothes to wrinkle, so fill it systematically. You can plan on packing in three basic layers. The first things to go in are blazers and trousers. Next things are dresses, blouses, t-shirts, dress shirts and sweaters. At last pack various items such as cosmetic bag, shoes, socks, underwear and so on. Ideally, you should finish with a pile just high enough to touch the inside of the suitcase when you zip it up. The less empty space there is, the less everything can bounce around.

If all of the clothes you packed look fantastic on you and multitask flawlessly, you can get ready in the dark and still look amazing walking into any meeting you have planned. You will have enough to think about on your trip anyway – what outfit to wear shouldn’t have to be one of them. Remember – good style is eye-catching.

Check out our Instagram account for inspiration and new style ideas for your trip.

Find your ideal accessory for your next travel.

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