Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets


November 24, 2017


Do you feel like a wallflower and completely anonymous at work? Now’s the time to act. It's more important now than ever to differentiate yourself to become successful. By knowing your look and playing to your personal strengths you can dress with confidence. It’s not superficial to be interested in thinking about how to dress. Here’s how to use your clothes as a business tool and to boost your confidence.

To improve your confidence you need to know what you're aiming for. Being confident helps you get what you want. If you've never taken steps to assess and improve your wardrobe before, you may not realize the dramatic effect it can have on your confidence level. Everything from the style of your shirts to the color of your glasses frames affects your confidence. When how you appear is in sync with how you want people to view you, and how good you feel your confidence will also follow.


To dress with confidence is to know what looks excellent on you and what doesn’t. The biggest deciding factor is knowing what colors look best with your complexion and hair color. First and foremost it’s all about choosing clothing that make you feel good and boost your confidence. 

1. What is your attribute?

It’s no secret that assembling an outfit is like selecting social armor. If you have a strong cultural association with a garment, wearing it can affect your cognitive processes. If your brain links a brand collection with powerful, intelligent women, you’re likely to take on those attributes when you wear that brand.

2. Feel good about what you wear
The most important is your internal self-assurance. A beautifully printed clothing can make you look as confident as you feel. Your go-to pieces should be the ones that are created by a brand you admire. Choose a brand you are honored to represent and you feel at home everywhere when wearing the clothes.

3. What feels natural to you?
We all come in different shapes and sizes. Dress in a way that flatters your unique shape. To have a well coordinated outfit, choose a flattering shape for your body, choose a color you look best in and choose high quality fabric. Find outfits that flatter your favorite body features.

4. Appropriate style
Sometimes you need to dress nicely. Sometimes you don’t. Your style needs to align with the situation and context. But make sure it expresses yourself all the time. First pick a blouse or a shirt and then find a skirt or pants to go with it. This will help you picture the whole outfit together. Accessories are very important for the entire appearance, it ties the outfit together and adds a focal point. A scarf takes almost any outfit up a notch.

5. Dress for what you want in life
There is a correlation between our style and what we perceive as our potential. Which indicates an opportunity to dress according to where we want to be in our future and not our current status, as the saying ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have’.

6. Euphoria moment
Think of an occasion when you felt great in what you wore. Then think about the reason you felt good. Was it the fabric, the print or the pattern? Then implement these factors into your wardrobe. You are bound to feel good more often.

There's no surefire pattern that will make you 100% confident overnight. But if you work on it, it will pay off. Remember to be true to yourself and appreciate your uniqueness. Find a style and a brand that empowers you and that you feel good about wearing. No matter what size or shape we all have the power to dress for confidence and feel good about what we wear. 

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