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Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

Sustainability achievements in 2019

January 03, 2019

Sustainability achievements in 2019

Consumerism and throwaway lifestyles over the last few decades, has become a huge concern globally. Creating a sustainable lifestyle takes a lifelong commitment – to learning, experimenting, exploring, committing to increasingly sustainable practices.

Simplifying as much as possible is the first of two essential steps for kick-starting a sustainable life. Taking a thorough inventory of our life – our purchases of products and services, our modes of transportation, etc. is the second critical step. It helps us really understand how we are living now in order to identify and shift away to more sustainable choices.


Environmental friendly laundry days

It's said that 50% of the environmental impact during the lifetime of a clothing is created while being used. However there are many things we can do regarding consumption habits and washing.

Not saying you should stop washing your clothes but you can wash your clothes only if necessary. This already helps saving CO2, water, and makes garments last longer. If not visibly dirty - you also can put your denim In the freezer for 1-2 days. This kills bacteria and odor and does not require any additional input. Just try it. We recommend washing products at 30 degrees in the washing machine, which also contributes to saving energy. Hang clothes to dry instead of tumble drying your clothes, since tumble dryers are energy consumption monsters and clothes dry surprisingly fast.


Microfibres flowing into the ocean

The single biggest pollution problem facing our ocean is microfiber: trillions of pieces of tiny fibers flowing into the ocean – every time we use our washing machines. So, every time we do laundry, our clothes shed tiny, unseen microfibers (including plastic), which go down the drains of our washing machines and into our waterways. And most of us don’t even know it! There’s plastic hiding in our waterways and ocean!

That’s not great for the animals living in those waters, or for us. Just one fleece jacket could shed up to 250,000 pieces per garment per wash. Thanks to women in Vermont there’s a solution that reduces the amount of microfibres that hits the ocean. The Cora Ball is a new kind of laundry ball. Inspired by the way coral filters the ocean, the Cora Ball collects our microfibers into fuzz we can see, so we can dispose of microfibers in the right way.

Pre-order garments

The real issue with fast fashion remains unsolved and it is the speed at which it is produced, putting a high pressure on the people and the environment. The significant amounts of water, chemicals and energy used before and during manufacturing and transportation mean that the clothing industry places much strain on natural resources and has an immense carbon footprint even before reaching the consumer.

We go in different direction and are constantly focused on ways to reduce overproduction. We implemented our Pre-Order system to estimate how many pieces we are going to sell from one product. We only produce the number of items that we sell. This means better resource efficiency and less wasted materials. Which eventually leads to less costs per produced garments, resulting in lower production costs per garment.

Yes, you'll need to wait longer to receive your garment but you will benefit immediately by getting a lower price - in the end everybody profits from this: the environment, we, you and tomorrow’s generations.


What you can achieve in 2019

Set SMART goals with high enough level of difficulty that you actually have to push yourself in order to achieve them. Smart goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Divide your goals  into smaller tasks, make sure you spend time every day working towards your goal. Without a high level of commitment, it’s difficult to achieve any goal.

If you want to reduce the use of plastic, you can set a goal of going entirely plastic free for 30 days. This will help you become more aware of the plastic in your everyday life and get started towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Part of changing your life is to expand your awareness and be open to new ways of living. Create habits that are in favor of the environment and live consciously with an appreciation and respect towards our planet. Don’t get left behind. Get started on the path to sustainable living.

Watch the video below and learn how the founder of Dimmblá tackled the plastic pollution in 2018.

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