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Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

Top 9 tips to improve your environmental impact in 2018

January 07, 2018

Top 9 tips to improve your environmental impact in 2018

New Year is the perfect opportunity to make some lifestyle changes, improve our life and reevaluate some of our choices. Here’s a list of top 9 tips that can help you make a difference and adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

1. First plan and then buy
If you plan in advance what you really need and want You’ll use it longer. You can perhaps buy 2 or 3 pieces for the price of one piece in high quality, but on the other hand you’ll probably be more conscious about your purchase if you spend more on high quality. In the end you spend the same amount or less on items you keep longer. Who wouldn’t want that?

2. Save energy
Take a short shower instead of a bath. Showering can use approximately 40-100 liters of water, while baths use about 7 times more. Whenever you leave a room make sure to turn off the lights.

3. Shop smarter
Read on the labels and ask questions about the materials. Even though the sustainable option is more expensive you can often reduce your consumption by buying long lasting items instead of cheaper versions several times. Next time you go to the grocery store you can start by choosing the greener option by looking out for items with recycled content, such as recycled toilet paper. You can also choose organically produced food and biodegradable cleaning products which have fewer negative impacts on the soil and water system.

4. Reduce packaging
Try to avoid overly packaged items and choose to reuse when it comes to shopping bags and bottled water. So when you go grocery shopping, bring recycled, reusable bags with you. It's better than buying plastic bags every time.

5. Pack light when traveling by flight
Lightening up your load increases plane fuel efficiency. Pack items that can be worn multiple times during your trip. Some hotels give away clothes that are left behind to the Red Cross. If you are staying at a hotel that gives away clothes to those in need, bring a dress which you have a chance to use on your travel but you'll never use at home. Then you can leave it behind knowing it will have a new life with someone that appreciates it.

6. Don’t toss your clothes in the trash
When you recycle, you conserve raw materials and natural resources. That means less material and natural resources have to be extracted, refined, transported and processed, which results in less waste on the planet which lightens the burden on the earth. You also conserve the energy that’s needed in the manufacturing process. Consider dropping your worn out clothes off at a recycling center instead of tossing it in the trash.

7. Be lazy and don’t do laundry too often
That doesn’t mean you should waltz around covered in stains and dirt. It just means that you probably don’t have to wash clothes, towels and sheets after using them for a day, or even a few days if they aren’t visible dirty.

8. Wash your laundry in cold water
Up to 90 percent of the energy laundry machines use goes to heating the water. So use cold water and detergent designed for it. That way you save energy.

9. Dry your clothes like an Italian
It’s super green to hang your clothes out to dry instead of using the dryer. The dryer uses a significant amount of energy. It can also shorten the life of your clothes because of shrinkage and other wear and tear of the fabric. Hang your clothes on a clothesline or a drying rack to save energy and your clothes.

Part of changing your life is to expand your awareness and be open to new ways of living. Create habits that are in favour of the environment and live consciously with an appreciation and respect towards our planet. Don’t get left behind. Get started on the path to sustainable living.

Learn why you should stop buying cheap clothes.

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