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Loving the world and offering Consciously Made Products. - Free shipping for all bed sets

Why you should embrace imperfection

May 10, 2019

Why you should embrace imperfection

Every single day we are bombarded with images of perfection on social media. We see the perfect mothers, models, workers, travelers, athletes or leaders.

Photos and messages are becoming identical.

Social media is crowded with people posting images of their apparently perfect lives, accomplishing extraordinary things or brands posting unrealistic images.

It’s often absurd how much time people spend to take the best selfie to post on social media.

Then they remove it when it doesn’t get enough likes. This tendency to flourish on likes and acceptance is driven by attention and causes comparison and envy.

People seek validation from social media and tend to forget who they really are and confuse attention with affection.

The quality of their life is based on their bank account, expensive artificial things, accomplishments, and comparison. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.’’

A superficial behavior.

There’s a misconception that if you can make “everything perfect”, you will somehow become successful.

If you had the right education, the right job, more money or came from the right family your life would be perfect.

Influencers are often strengthening this misconception. By posting images of their perfectly clean kitchen, top-notch color themed kids birthdays, perfectly fitted bodies and stylishly furnished home.

While many of us are exhausted just trying to keep up with our daily schedule and thinking “I can never be like that”.

"What about our flaws, doubts, anxiety, fear, degradation, pride, speculation, and delusions which all take up space in our world but don’t seem to be accepted?"

We all have our existential rights, whether we are fat, skinny, slim, brave, short, long or whatever we come into this world. Whatever job position we have or how our body has shaped over time. Our right is always the same.

Perfection is a nasty, unrealistic goal.

We should have space to flourish and be imperfect. As long as you strive to be perfect, you will always feel like you are not enough.

The sooner we realize this the sooner we can start to live our lives on our own terms.

"We should keep in mind that we can’t change what people think of us. But we CAN certainly change what we think of ourselves".

The hidden trait

There is nothing wrong with being able to look at what isn’t perfect about you?

You may actually find that people who know you like something about you that you considered being a fault.

A trait you never considered to bring any value before.

At first, it may feel uncomfortable to reveal who you really are. Instead, you could look at it as an opportunity, space where you get to see what you’re made of. You get to see how that part of you is actually your greatest gift!

Ask yourself:

  • What would you like people to discover about you?
  • What is underneath that may be a real strength?

People who we relate with on social media are often those who challenge perfection. They bring us value and hence are more likely to receive our respect and admiration.

No one will ever be perfect and we should all be grateful for what we have.

Why strive to be perfect, you’ll only become perfectly unhappy.

Have you discovered your trait?

Please tell us in the comments below.

P.S. This blog post was originally posted on Medium

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